Check out his blog for beautiful photographs of beautiful boys and beautiful things.
Argh. So need to make sure my Longchamp Le Pilage is OUT OF SHOT when taking photos!
The highlight of my week? The Burberry show. OMG, it was incredible: I feel so fortunate to have witnessed the return of Burberry to LFW. The glittery/sequined trench towards the end almost moved me to tears. I loved so many of the pieces in the collection (the exquisite ruching, the pale sherbet colours, the strong shoulders, the reworked trench/dress) and I thought it was highly wearable for women of most shapes and sizes. Okay, so most of us can't actually afford any of the clothes that were on the catwalk but it is nice to take inspiration.
Thank you to everyone who has been leaving comments and emailing me :))) You guys are so lovely. I should be back to normal on the weekend and will email everyone back/reply to comments/questions then.
* BargainBex are you seeing this??!!! More platinum :))) It's a sign!
Sarah's owner was happy for Audrey to hold Sarah's lead and, well, this is the result. Sarah is a country dog so she was a little camera shy but I promise she got lots of pats after I shot a couple of frames :)
p.s. I didn't ask where Audrey got her outfit from but I know she said her shoes are from Office. I think she will probably blog about where her outfits are from anyway.
p.p.s Mark Fast's show this morning was fantastic- the dresses were WOW!
I had a fantastic day today- it was so nice to catch up with people I have met/photographed before and to meet so many new people. Normally it takes me a couple of days to really get into the swing of things but today things just seemed to fall into place so fingers crossed it continues for the rest of LFW.
Highlight of my day? Sass and Bide show tonight at The Dairy near Russell Square. It was amazing to have the opportunity to go (I had a ticket so I was actually sitting down rather than in the photographers pen) since they normally show in New York. Some of the pieces were just beautiful- skintight crème, black and loads of metal accents. Front Row? Garance and The Sart, Lara Bingle, Kit Willow (from Willow), Camilla (from Camilla and Marc), Pippa Holt from Vogue.
Roll on Day 2! I'm off to bed.xx
p.s. I shot this model as she came out of the Eun Jeong show. I LOVED the hair and makeup for this collection.